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Valuation Expo 2025
Learn, Network, Prosper
August 11-13 at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas NV
August 11-13 at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas
Join us at the Caesars Palace Hotel in the heart of Las Vegas, NV
Use coupon code VE40 for 40% off a Trade Show/General Session Combo pass (a $379.60 value) now through April 15th.
Welcome to the Valuation Expo 2025, where smart appraisers from across the nation converge to Learn, Network, and Prosper. Held at the iconic Caesars Palace in Las Vegas from August 11-13. Join us as we delve into the future of appraisal with discussions on Fannie Mae's new URAR, cutting-edge technology, and data trends. Whether you're an appraiser, part of an AMC, lender, technology company, software company, education, or involved in E&O Insurance, this conference is your premier opportunity to stay at the forefront of industry advancements. Don't miss the chance to meet the decision makers and get the answers on the new URAR being implemented this year.
There are a variety of registration options for you to choose from. The minimum purchase is a Trade Show pass ($449). The Trade Show pass allows you to attend some free pre-conference sessions and the opening reception on the trade show floor Monday evening as well as full access to the trade show Tuesday and Wednesday. To add Continuing Education courses, including Pre-Confrence (Monday - prices vary) and the General Session (Tuesday and Wednesday - $500), you will need to add these options when you register below.
For those new to this conference, explore our schedule for comprehensive information on courses. Monday kicks off with pre-conference CE options and the trade show floor's opening reception. Tuesday and Wednesday feature a vibrant trade show hosting over 35 exhibitors, alongside the General Session offering an unmatched 14 hours of appraisal CE credits. To secure the best room rates at Caesars Palace, click on the Venue tab to check availability and benefit from significantly discounted rates. Act swiftly—these rooms will be in high demand.
The Best In-Person Opportunities for Continuing Education
Elevate your expertise with our conference's robust lineup of educational sessions. Earn valuable continuing education credits while staying up-to-date with the latest trends, regulations, and best practices in real estate appraisal.
Real Talk with the Appraisal Industry's Top Thought Leaders
Gain inspiration and wisdom from top-tier industry leaders through engaging talks and panel discussions. Our lineup includes thought-provoking sessions that delve into the current challenges and future opportunities shaping the real estate appraisal sector.
Network and Prosper
Forge meaningful connections with fellow professionals and industry experts. Our conference provides a dynamic platform for networking, enabling you to exchange ideas, build partnerships, and grow your professional circle within the real estate appraisal community.
Talk Tech
Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving real estate industry by exploring cutting-edge technology. Our conference features an exclusive tech showcase, where you can experience firsthand the latest tools and innovations transforming the appraisal landscape.
Jason Feifer Keynote Address Sponsored by ServiceLink
Jason Feifer is the editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine, a nonstop optimism machine, and a widely recognized authority on business and how people navigate change. He is the author of the best-selling book Build For Tomorrow, a startup advisor, and host of the podcasts Help Wanted and Problem Solvers. LinkedIn named him a “Top Voice in Entrepreneurship“.
Schedule Summary
Mon, August 11th
7:00 Registration Open
9:00 Lenders & Vendors Live8:00 Valuation Bias and Fair Housing Laws and Regulations- with Appraiser eLearning - 7 hours CE Taught by Peter Christensen
8:00 Appraiser's Guide to the New URAR - 7 hours CE Taught by Bryan Reynolds
4:00 Opening Reception: Join us as the trade show gets into full swing with lite hors devours and a cash bar, surrounded by appraisers, AMCs, lenders, and other companies who support the valuation process.Tues, August 12th
General Session
7:00 Registration Open
8:30-6 Trade Show Open
8:30-5 General Session - 14 Hrs CE
8:30 *VET Talk - Intro, Hal Humphreys, Appraiser eLearning
9:00 Fireside Chat - Staying out of Court unless you’re getting paid with Peter Christensen, Christensen Law Firm and Hal Humphreys, Appaiser eLearning.
10:15 Break
10:30 Presentation on UAD - Lyle Radke, Fannie Mae
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Buzzy Awards
1:30 Presentation - Disasters, Insurability and Value with Toni Moss, AmeriCatalyst; and Damien Weldon, ICE.
2:25 Break
2:40 Fireside Chat on UAD Redesign with Ken DeFeo, Fannie Mae and Sean Murphy, Freddie Mac
4:00 Keynote Speaker, sponsored by Quantarium.
5:00 Meeting Adjourned
5-6 Networking on Trade Show Floor
*VET Talks - Valuation, Education & Technology Speakers.
Wed, August 13th
General Session
7:00 Registration Open
8:30-1:30 Trade Show Open
8:30 *VET Talk with Sandra Adomatis, Appraisal Institute
9:00 Debate - AI Pros and Cons, Nathan Brannen, Restb.ai; Jeff Bradford, Bradford Technologies; and Andrew Komaromi, Stewart Valuation Intelligence.
10:30 Break
10:45 Panel to be Announced
12:00 Lunch1:00 Appraisal Bee Prize Giveaway (no CE)
1:30 Trade Show Closes
1:30 *VET Talk - TBD2:00 Fireside Chat - Manufactured Homes with Cathy Putegnat, Homestead Appraisals.
3:00 Break
3:15 Panel - Adjustments Moderated by Bryan Reynolds, Appraiser eLearning
4:30 Fireside Chat - Bryan Reynolds, Appraiser eLearning and Quantarium5:00 Conference Adjourned
*VET Talks - Valuation, Education & Technology Speakers.
The glory of Rome lives at Caesars in Las Vegas, where spectacular accommodations and first-rate amenities can be enjoyed. Caesars has a beautiful casino, shopping at The Forum Shops and Appian Way Shops, a wide variety of restaurants, a luxurious spa, and the Garden of the Gods Pool Oasis. The grandest of Las Vega Hotels, Caesars Palace is famous worldwide for its magnificent beauty and impeccable service. Caesars is located in the heart of the Vegas Strip.
Caesars rooms are available Sunday through Wednesday nights at $155/night plus tax and resort fee. Room block ends July 19th, 2025.
Caesars Palace saves you time with their convenient self-check-in and check-out on the Caesars Rewards mobile app. Download for Apple or Android devices. Check-in is 4:00 pm and check-out is 11:00 am.
No one from Valuation Expo or the Hotel will contact you to book your room. If someone contacts you, it is a scam. This link provided below is the only way to book your room at the preferred room rate.
Valuation Expo 2025 Speakers
Tricia Wang
Keynote Speaker
Tricia Wang, a social scientist, consultant, and thoughtleader, is on a relentless quest to ensure technology serves humanity, fostering social impact at the intersection of data and humanity. Renowned for helping companies unearth pivotal customer behavior insights to unlock growth,Tricia co-founded Sudden Compass andhas advised industry giants like Google, Spotify, and P&G. As an acclaimed speaker, Tricia's enlightening keynotes and her TED Talk delve into AI, data, and their societal, economic, and personal impacts. Currently penning a book on how humans can be more human in the age of AI, Tricia is documenting an
emerging skillset amongst those who work well with AI.Lyle Radke
Fannie Mae
Lyle Radke joined Fannie Mae in 2013 and is a Principal of Collateral Risk/Policy. His team establishes and maintains policies for property eligibility, appraisals, and condo project standards. He holds a master’s degree in geology from Brigham Young University and is a certified residential appraiser in New Mexico. He advises the team on policy matters. Recent initiatives from his team include updated Appraiser Independence Requirements (AIR), adoption of the ANSI sq. ft. standard, valuation alternatives for certain purchase loans, the Undervaluation Risk Flag in Collateral Underwriter® (CU®), and the Uniform Property Dataset (UPD), and reconsideration of value requirements (ROV). Current workstreams include the Appraiser Diversity Initiative®, the next generation Uniform Appraisal Dataset, appraisal bias mitigation, hybrid appraisal requirements, and additional enhancements to CU. He is also responsible for Fannie Mae’s quarterly Appraiser Update newsletter and frequently speaks to lenders, risk investors, and appraisers about Fannie Mae’s collateral risk management policies, programs, tools, and vision for the future.
Hal Humphreys
Appraiser eLearning
Thomas H. Humphreys is a career-long real estate appraiser. He grew up measuring houses with his father, an appraiser. In the course of the past 30 years, Mr. Humphreys has appraised property across the country. He is a hearing officer for the Davidson County Board of Equalization. He has been a contract investigator/reviewer for the State of Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance. He also assists attorneys who represent citizens accused of crimes. Mr. Humphreys is a partner in Appraiser eLearning and is the director of education for StoryboardEMP, LLC, an education media company.
Bryan Reynolds
Appraiser eLearning
Bryan S. Reynolds, CDEI™ is a KY/TN Certified General Real Property Appraiser, a registered agent with the TN State Board of Equalization and an AQB Certified USPAP Instructor. He has testified and appeared in various courts, planning and zoning boards as both an expert and as an agent making valuation arguments before local and state hearing officials and Administrated Law Judges. Reynolds is the owner of Bryan S. Reynolds & Associates, Reynolds Appraisal Service and a partner in Appraiser eLearning, www.appraiserelearning.com. He provides residential and commercial valuation services throughout the region and various educational offerings, mentoring, consulting and litigation support services throughout the country as well as being available for lectures and is well known for his Think Outside the "Check" Box approach.
Nathan Brannen
Nathan Brannen is the Chief Product Officer for Restb.ai. Restb.ai is the leader in real estate computer vision solutions. Restb.ai’s artificial intelligence automatically tags and classifies property photos with real estate-specific information. Nathan specializes in partnering with industry innovators to implement AI technology.
At ABB Enterprise Software, Brannen was Global Product Manager. He wrote design requirements, maintained backlog and determined priority for Agile scrum team designing and creating a new shared software framework. Brannen oversaw the design, beta release, and successful general release of the product platform and was recognized with ABB Top Talent Award. Brannen also managed a software platform focused on helping energy utilitiesaround the world (developed and emerging markets) make operational and planning decisions by focusing on forecasting, generation optimization, market bidding, constraint modeling and future resource expansion Worked with clients from the six major continents to model their unique power portfolios and markets while executing projects ranging from local deployments to cloud based (Azure) solutions.Brannen holds an MBA from IESE Business School (Barcelona) and a Bachelor of Science from Georgia Institute of Technology.
Ken DeFeo
Fannie Mae
Ken DeFeo is a Senior Manager of Risk Management at Fannie Mae. He manages the team updating the Uniform Appraisal Dataset to better meet the needs of the mortgage industry and provide better clarity around appraisal reporting. DeFeo has worked in the Mortgage and Real Estate industry for 30 years with extensive experience in loan originations fulfillment, quality control and servicing valuations. At BNC Mortgage in 1995, he helped drive technological expansion while maintaining quality. DeFeo then worked on vendor contracts for JP Morgan Chase, where he also oversaw the startup of a QA department to validate vendor quality and internal audits. He then oversaw appraisal operations and was tasked with improving visibility around appraiser quality and the customer experience.
Sean Murphy
Freddie Mac
Sean Murphy is a Certified Residential appraiser, appraising residential real estate since 1992. As Freddie Mac’s Credit Policy Risk Analytics Manager, he manages the Freddie Mac team of appraisal experts in the redesign of the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR); a joint effort with Fannie Mae to update the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) to reflect changes to the appraisal industry, address future appraisal needs, and facilitate ongoing digitization in the appraisal process and the mortgage industry. Originally hired by Freddie Mac for the creation and design of the Loan Collateral Advisor (LCA); a web-based tool that analyzes appraisal reports and provides a view of appraisal quality and valuation risk. Prior to Freddie Mac, Sean supervised the calibration of the cost and market models for all residential real estate assessments for Fairfax County, Virginia’s most populated county.
Damien Weldon
Damien Weldon is Director, Product Management of ICE Valuation Analytics, where he oversees product management and data science for automated valuation models and collateral products. A seasoned practitioner, he has over 20 years’ experience in quantitative solution development. Before joining ICE, he was managing director, business development at Vichara Technologies. Prior to Vichara, he held a number of senior business
development, product management, and data science roles at CoreLogic. Damien has a bachelor’s in science in physics and mathematics from the University of Dublin and a master’s of science in mathematical modeling and numerical analysis from the University of Oxford.Toni Moss
AmeriCatalyst LLC and EuroCatalyst BV
Toni Moss is the founder and CEO of AmeriCatalyst LLC and EuroCatalyst BV, “sister” advisory firms with specialized services for investors and companies engaged in global housing finance, residential real estate and Single Family Rental (SFR). She is also Chairman of the Board of The AmeriCatalyst Idea Lab, a non-profit that generates viable ideas to improve the products, processes and practices of the housing industry, as well as stabilize and sustain the housing ecosystem.
Toni is a very unique force in housing; with an entrepreneurial background in corporate intelligence, strategy and scenario planning, market positioning and trend forecasting, she is both a catalyst and connector to move agendas forward. Moss has hands-on operational and senior management experience in 23 national markets around the world, and is one of few housing experts with a truly global perspective on the industry.
In one of the most important roles of her career, From 1996 to 2001 Toni was the Director of Corporate Development for Bouwfonds in the Netherlands. In that role, she was instrumental in facilitating the first mortgage securitization in Continental Europe, and was pivotal in creating the first and largest third-party, cross-border servicer in Europe; the world’s first structured covered bond, and the world’s first shared servicing utility (in Spain). From 2001 to 2009, she was responsible for some of the largest new market / cross border entries for firms engaged in investment banking, mortgage origination, mortgage servicing, mortgage insurance, and title insurance in the European Union.
Cathy Putegnat
Homestead Appraisals, Inc.
Cathy Putegnat is an appraiser, consultant, and author. Witha career spanning almost two and a half decades, Cathy has established herself as a trusted professional in the industry. Throughout her career, Cathy has kept pace with the ever-evolving real estate landscape, staying informed about the latest industry regulations, advancements in technology, and valuation methodologies. Cathy has a dedication to constant professional development and learning.
Cathy has been an independent business owner for most of the span of her career beginning in Colorado. After spending 5 years in Colorado, Cathy and her family left the mainland and spent the next 12 years living,
breathing, and working in the beautiful islands of Hawaii. During that time, Cathy not only was the owner and operator of her appraisal firm, she was also the chief consultant for Appraiser Aide, a data entry company for Appraisers across the country. In 2018, Cathy and her husband left the islands and she continued her professional career path in Oregon and Washington. Cathy currently serves on the State of Oregon Appraisal Board, has served on the board for the National Association of Appraisers, and continues to serve on committees for the National Association of Appraisers. In her free time, Cathy enjoys hiking, spending time at thecoast, sky-diving, and spending time with her family .Andrew Komaromi
Stewart Valuation Intelligence
Andrew Komaromi is Director of Business Planning & Analysis at Stewart Valuation Intelligence. Andrew sits on Stewart's corporate-wide Artificial Intelligence Council, bringing over a decade of experience in strategic data analytics and business insights. Growing up professionally within an Appraisal Management Company (AMC), Andrew uses his industry knowledge to distill complex data into actionable strategies, now further amplified by artificial intelligence. Leveraging advanced machine learning and large language models, he continuously drives data accuracy, operational efficiency and strategic insight. Under Andrew's guidance, Stewart Valuation Intelligence confidently stands as the industry's premier AMC, pioneering forward-thinking innovations at the intersection of data analytics and artificial intelligence.
Peter Christensen
Christensen Law Firm
Peter Christensen is an attorney. His law practice is focused on providing legal counsel for matters concerning real estate valuation services and insurance coverage. He's the author of Risk Management for Real Estate Appraisers and Appraisal Firms published by the Appraisal Institute. His clients include appraisers, appraisal firms and management companies, as well as investors and technology companies. Prior to forming the Christensen Law Firm (www.valuationlegal.com), Peter worked with the national law firms of Latham & Watkins LLP and Irell & Manella LLP. For 14 years, he then served as the general counsel of LIA Administrators & Insurance Services, which provides liability insurance to thousands of appraisers, appraisal firms and right-of-way service providers. He continues to provide risk management education on behalf of LIA. Peter earned both his BS and JD at the University of California at Berkeley.
2025 Vaulation Expo Floorplan
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Contact Karen Connolly with any questions
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Valuation Expo is the place to network with the best and brightest of the appraisal industry. Valuation Expo is a MUST for companies looking to promote their brand. Our tradeshow floor features the companies that matter in valuation. Visit with decision-makers from lenders, appraisal management companies, appraisal software companies, and more!
Contact Jim Morrison about exciting opportunities to showcase your company in America's largest Appraisal tradeshow.
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Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.
Use coupon code VE40 at registration to save 40% off Valuation Expo when you register for a Trade...2025年1月20日Use coupon code VE25 during registering for 25% off a trade show and general session combo pass ...2025年1月20日Appraiser eLearning has submitted for 14 hours CE related to the education provided on August...2025年1月20日PRIVACY AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION. Your privacy is important to us. Appraiser eLearning,...ATTENDEE Early Bird General Session Conference Pass and other Discounted Passes These...
Since 2003, we’ve earned our place as the premiere appraisal conference for Valuation Professionals. Join hundreds of appraisal industry members across the country in Las Vegas. Find out for yourself why this is the conference everyone is talking about!
You can enjoy pre-conference education and an additional 14 hours of CE during the General Session. This is no ordinary classroom education!
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